Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

International Quality Certification Limited (IQC) keeps it clienteles fully informed about its business model, procedure, legal entities, benefits and financial modalities to help them in a proper way before joining. If you’re new to the Quality in Business Certification and are looking for straight answers to your questions, we can give you the answers right now in plain English. No jargon, just the information you need. If you any questions not addressed below please also contact us. We would be happy to help you.

International Quality Certification Limited (IQC) provides an independent, third-party evaluation to publicly recognize that an organization meets certain standards across every facet of their operation. Thus, an IQC enables an organization to demonstrate their adherence to international best business practices, innovation and continuous improvement. The IQC is a benchmark to assure customers, investors and partners of the reliability and integrity of your organization.

International  Quality Certification (QC) which is a globally authorized company for quality control and performance grading through verification, assessment and audit.  It is a certification division for quality and control in products and services of corporate world. It is register in England and International Quality Certification (QC) dedicates to improve individual, organizational and social performance.

Absolutely yes. There is no business to big or small that wouldn’t benefit from becoming Quality in Business Certified. Ensuring equality, maintaining best business practices and continuous innovation should be part of every organization’s business objectives. Organizations of every shape and size imaginable have Quality in Business Certification, everything from government agencies to, manufacturers, retailers, importers, wholesalers, charities, hotels, transport and services. Certification is useful for large international corporations’ right down to 1 man operations

  • The entity should a registered legal entity e.g. under the Companies Act.
  • The entity should provide audited financial statements for the last three years.
  • The entity should possess a minimum experience of 1 year of work with three satisfactory client references
  • The entity should be registered with statutory authorities i.e. mainly Income Tax and Provident Fund
  • The entity should not have been black listed by any organization / institution. (Self certified declaration to be attached)
  • The entity should be a accredited company or with an equivalent quality certification.

A Quality in Business Assessment analyzes business practices the following areas:

– Accounting, Finance and Payroll
– Business Continuity Management
– Conservation and Energy Efficiency
– Corporate Social Responsibility
– Customer Service
– Document Management, Security and Control
– Facilities Management
– Health and Safety
– Human Resource Management
– Information Technology / Cyber Security
– Innovation
– Overall Business Management
– Physical Security
– Product / Service Offerings
– Quality Policy and Procedures
– Recycling and Waste Reduction
– Risk Management

Auditing is the on-site verification activity, such as inspection or examination, of a process or quality system, to ensure compliance with requirements. An audit can apply to an entire organization or might be specific to a function, process, or production step. This service is charged on a case-by-case basis. We suggest you make your request early, so any inconvenience may not cause to you.

An organization may get started by contacting the International Trade Council to sign up for the Quality in Business Certification program. You will then be provided a link to an online self-assessment system. After you complete the self-assessment an independent auditor will analyze your results. Should your organization reach the pass-mark a certificate will be issued along with your final grading. If we require additional documentation and/or a site-visit we will inform you.

There are many ways an organization can advertise that they have achieved Quality in Business Certification and that they have a certificate that proves it. Here are some ideas:
– Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & other social media
– Banners at trade shows and company events
– Product packaging
– Company and product promotional materials
– Your organization’s website
– Media / press releases
– Proposals, quotes, tenders etc.
– Business cards, letterheads, brochures
– Company vehicles
– Shipping containers
– Loading/unloading conveyances
– Production equipment
– Indoor / outdoor displays
– Company signage

A standard assessment can take as little as 96 hours (around 6 hours for the online assessment + 2-3 days for our independent auditors to review your submission). Sometimes auditors may require additional supporting documents and/or a site visit. If that is the case then the process may take longer.

Displaying your IQC helps consumers identify your organization as one which is sound, honest, and efficient, has implemented best business practices, and cares about their community. Once you are verified, the Quality in Business logo may be used on all of your marketing materials including: Letterhead, Brochures, Website, Email Signatures, and Advertising & Packaging. It opens the way to join a community of executives and leaders who share common principles and standards. Connect online; meet in person, or build client and vendor relationships within a powerful community of practice. This attaches great importance to quality, innovation, continuous improvement and the use of global best business practices; and that you have it checked regularly by an independent party. This commitment increases confidence in your organization.

You will be given the opportunity to re-take the assessment up to 02 times at no additional charge.

Membership Registration

Online registration for certificate