About iudex International

Indelible Mark of Business Growth with Cosmopolitan Brand iudex International

Iudex International is one of recognized brands at international scenario as international Law Firm and has been working in various verticals across the world. The Latin word iudex connotes the sense of accuracy, judge along with multiple meanings as decider, umpire or juror.

Business Model of iudex organization is vibrant and synergetic which paves the way of sustainable corporate growth. The process of business model design is part of business strategy. Business model design and innovation refer to the way a firm or a network of firms, defines its business logic at the strategic level. An operationally viable and feasible business model requires lateral alignment with the underlining business operations. It goes with International Quality Certification Limited  that has its own business model for sustainable marketing growth and future of brand. Business model has designed in such a way so it’s operational levels which go through various business operations to get the goal. This refers to their process-level activities, capabilities, functions and infrastructure.

We Are

iudex International publishes content for espousing its core cause in various format of publication for benefit of its business fraternity. It keeps its associates update through all its publications. Electronic publishing (also referred to as e-publishing or digital publishing or online publishing) includes the digital publication of e-books, digital magazines, and the development of digital libraries and catalogues. Electronic publishing has become common. It is also becoming common to distribute books, magazines, and newspapers to consumers through digital devices, by online sources. Some of existing its platforms are Ebooks, Business Digest, eNews Paper, eBooklets / eMagazines.



iudex World Book of Records

iudex World Book of Records is an organization that catalogs and verifies extraordinary records across the world with authentic certification in United Kingdom and Europe. Its primary objective and goal is to Records, Honour, Listing and appreciate, authenticate and adjudicate events which can be termed as activities of world standard. Since its inception in the year 2017 it has spread its wings and it is working with global presence in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. It is but noteworthy to mention that the activities and the events under the banner of WBR have been possible due to the painstaking, laborious, diligent contribution of volunteers, executives, adjudicators of team WBR.


iudex Quality

iudex Quality Certification which is a globally authorized company for quality control and performance grading through verification, assessment and audit by Quality Certification Limited UK.  It is a certification division for quality and control in products and services of corporate world. Quality Certification dedicates to improve individual, organizational and social performance.

Being as International Law firm, it has been associated with Alma World  assists other wings as iudex World Book of Records Limited, UK, IWorld Book of Record Foundation ,India, Alma World Limited, UK, International Quality Certification Limited, UK and World Record Book Limited, UK. Apart from this, iudex has collaborated with verification process of World Book of Records and publication entities of Alma Today, Alma Times as print and news portals. The Iudex follows the philosophy of nemo iudex in causa sua-the Latin phrase means ‘nobody shall be judge in his own case’.



iudex International

iudex International is one of recognized brands at international scenario as a leading brand and has been working in various verticals across the world. World Book of Records has generated Unique ID and Unique ID Certification for authentic verification of record holder of World Book of Records. Unique Document Identification Number is an authenticated verification tool for the validity of a document. It has been noticed to the Institute that financial documents/certificates attested by third person misrepresenting themselves as members are misleading the authorities and stakeholders. To curve the malpractices, the Technology Development Committee of iudex has implemented an innovative concept of UDIN Unique Document Identification Number to secure the certificates/documents attested/certified by the organization. This will enable the people to check the authenticity of the documents. Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) is 04-Digits system generated unique number for every document certified/attested by idudex.


iudex International Press Club

iudex International Press Club is the International press club is an organization for journalists and others professionally engaged in the production and dissemination of news. A press club whose membership is defined by the press of a given country may be known as a National Press Club of that country. iudex National Press Club India follows following objectives as To promote the advancement of ethical journalism and invites a closer look at issues shaping journalism today as well as To foster fellowship among representatives of the media and those that they cover in friendly settings. Apart from this, its motto is to serve members through promoting journalistic activities, to  collaborate International Clubs across the world and to guide and support in legal matters of member journalists across the nation and internationally. The sole purpose is to honour and felicitate member journalists across the nation for their outstanding contribution. The International press club offers intellectual opportunity for its members across the world and organizes many activities of foreign exchange tours along with honoring them for their contribution. The club provides Press Cards to its members


iudex International collaborates as verification entity in the iudex  Quality Certification which is a globally authorized company for quality control and performance grading through verification, assessment and audit by Quality Certification Limited UK.  It is a certification division for quality and control in products and services of corporate world. Quality Certification dedicates to improve individual, organizational and social performance. It has also collaborated with World Book of Records is an organization that catalogs and verifies extraordinary records across the world with authentic certification in United Kingdom and Europe. Its primary objective and goal is to Records, Honor, Listing and appreciate, authenticate and adjudicate events which can be termed as activities of world standard. It also works in publishing segment with WBR and its associated Verticals. Since its inception, it has spread its wings and it is working with global presence in all continents. It is but noteworthy to mention that the activities and the events under the banner of WBR have been possible due to the painstaking, laborious, diligent contribution of volunteers, executives, adjudicators of team WBR.

Besides, iudex has been associated with World Book of Record Foundation, India -It is a pioneering entity and registered in India to promote the cause of recognition of record breaking or setting new records by an individual or organizations in Asian countries. It also authenticates recognition as honour, listing places and organizations for their unique identities. It also does CSR activities across the world with international brands including World Book of Records Limited, UK.

Apart from this, iudex International jointly collaborated with Alma World Limited; UK is one of global companies which have its objective various educational, social, cultural, economical agendas. It has been a spectrum of many ventures under the flagship of a registered company of United Kingdom - Alma World Limited UK. Alma World is a globally well - known organization that works in socio - economic development of people across the world. Owing to its philanthropic nature, it promotes the cause of education, health, protection of environment, information technology, human rights, sustainable development through self-employment and youth motivation. It has been promoting educational cause in India and at global level for more than two decades. It constantly endeavors and promotes people who are connected with its approach to do their best and to focus on solutions and make an impact in the society through unrivaled diligence and dedication.

Membership Registration

Online registration for certificate