For quality services and management performance in providing Pharmaceuticals products, Life Pharmacy, Clinics, Medical Equipments.
Dubai: Barrister Santosh Shukla (President and CEO, International Quality Certification) has announced that Life Medical Centre of Dubai (UAE) has been certified by International Quality Certification for maintaining quality services and management performance in healthcare sector in providing Pharmaceuticals products, Life Pharmacy, Clinics, Medical Equipments with quality to fulfill international norms. LIFE Medical Centre is a premium healthcare provider housed under LIFE Healthcare Group, which houses the largest pharmacy chain in the UAE.
The certificate of quality was bestowed to Mr. Abdul Nazar (Chairman and MD) by Dr. Jitendra Matlani along with other dignitaries.
Mr. Shukla briefed the International Quality Certification (IQC) London, UK which is a globally authorized body for quality control, quality management and performance grading through global parameters. It is a certification division of iudex International, UK for quality control in products and services of the business world. It also offers certification opportunities to those involved in education, health, hospitality, industries, agriculture, civil aviation, environment, human rights, social, cultural, science, media, entertainment, art and management & IT and others for providing excellent quality services.